Publication details [#13575]
Turover, Gvenrik. 1996. Criterios para evaluar la traducción [Criteria for translation assessment]. Sendebar 7 : 281–286.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Translation, given its multilateral nature, can be evaluated from different points of view: using only linguistic criteria (its equivalence with the original) or according to its communicative effect and its pragmatic value. There is another factor which has to be considered in order to establish assessment criteria for translations –the form and the conditions of its performance. For instance, there is a considerable difference between translations from and into someone’s mother tongue. This article highlights the importance of putting an end to the subjectivism often used to evaluate translations. However, the author does not consider it appropriate to establish strict rules, since these cannot include the diversity of translation errors. Instead, different measures are suggested to achieve a more objective translation assessment.
Source : Abstract in journal