Publication details [#1360]
Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara and Marcel Thelen, eds. 1992. Translation and meaning 2. Maastricht: Rijkshogeschool Maastricht. xvi + 471 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
computer=computer science=IT=ICT | conferences=translation conferences | culture=cultural approach | dictionary | grammar | literary approach=literary discourse=literature | meaning=content | practice=translation practice=interpreting practice | sound | theory=translation theory=interpreting theory | Translation Studies
Edition info
Proceedings of the Lódz session of the 1990 Maastricht-Lódz duo colloquium on #Translation and Meaning# held in Lodz, Poland, 20-22 September 1990.
The contributors to this edited volume tackle issues such as phraseological thesauruses in the process of translation, translation and the underspecification of lexical meaning, the relationship between text function and meaning in translation, translation and the invariance hypothesis, culture-specific elements in translation, discursive persons and the limits of translation, issues in reception aesthetics and literary translation, translating secondary functions of grammatical structure, dictionaries and the acquisition of polysemy, the translator's strategies for non-standard speech, principles and problems in translating proper names, form- and sense-oriented approaches to translation and other issues.
Source : J. Vluijmans