
Publication details [#13606]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The Board of Trade of the State of Sao Paulo (JUCESP) has approached the University of Sao Paulo, where a large corpus for teaching and translation purposes is being built – the COMET – offering this material for inclusion in the corpus. It covers a period of over one hundred years and is written in more than 20 languages. However, this offer is not without problems: a large part of the material will require a long and strenuous work of restoration, which, in turn will demand substantial funding. To bring the project off the ground in a relatively short period of time, it has been decided to first concentrate our efforts on the books of the last thirty years with translations into and out of Portuguese, English, German and Spanish, the languages presently addressed by the COMET. This material will not only allow for research in linguistic and translation matters, such as, contrastive stylistics, lexicography, legal terminology, translation norms and translationese, but also in studies of a more historical nature, especially Brazil’s immigration waves, periods in which there is a high demand for public translations to comply with the legal aspects of immigration. We can envisage historians and sociologists as interested researchers. The article discusses the relevance of this unique material, the design and structure of the corpus, its population, the audience it is aimed at, the problems expected in the preparation of the texts, the header, and possible research areas.
Source : Based on abstract in book