
Publication details [#13644]

Fuster Márquez, Miguel. 1988. William Caxton y la traducción inglesa del Recueil des Histoires de Troie de Raoul Lefevre [William Caxton and the English translation of the 'Recueil des Histoires de Troie' by Raoul Lefevre].
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This doctoral dissertation offers a linguistic analysis of Caxton's translation of the Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye into English, published between 1469 and 1471. Section one deals with some of Caxton's biographical aspects regarding the edition and translation of this text. Section two offers an analysis of translation theories, peculiar stylistic features of the time and other factors that might have influenced Caxton's methodological approach. Section three tries to identify the French manuscript Caxton was using. And in Section four, the author offers a detailed philological analysis, discussing thoroughly lexical and syntactic questions, changes in information, etc. comparing in detail the source text with the target text.
Source : Bitra