
Publication details [#13654]

González Ruiz, Víctor. 1998. La traducción de los títulos de películas: la importancia del contexto socioeconómico. Una aproximación a su estudio) [The translation of film titles: the importance of the socioeconomic context. An approach]. In Ramírez Jaime, Ana Sofía, ed. Actas de las I jornadas de jovenes traductores (1997. Las Palmas). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Universidad de las Palmas. pp. 125–132.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


he translation of foreign-language film titles is usually connected with chaos and the lack of common procedures. However, there are social, economic and even political factors that limit the choice of a translation method when giving a Spanish title to a certain film. That is why marketing strategies will be often more important that any -very often unexisting- artistic objective for those in charge of film titles.
Source : Bitra