
Publication details [#13669]

Iliescu Gheorghiu, Catalina. 2005. 'Minorities integration and intercultural communication': a European project intended to contribute to the enhancement of integration policies. In Valero-Garcés, Carmen, ed. Traducción como mediación entre lenguas y culturas/ translation as mediation or how to bridge linguistic and cultural gaps. Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá. pp. 223–234.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The University of Alicante carried out a project (2001-2004) within the Socrates / Erasmus European Intensive Programmes, materialized in an intensive course intended to provide a link between the traditional academic curricula (supplying theoretical knowledge in different fields separately) and our new reality demanding professionals with a multifaceted profile, able to cope with practical scenarios that bring up problems and phenomena of diverse origins. In this paper, the author describes a 'pilot' experience carried out at the University of Alicante, which she believes, might be helpful for the rest of institutions and research groups interested in the topics of migration, integration and intercultural communication. This pilot experience started in the year 2001 when a group of researchers from different European universities met at Constanza (Romania) and decided to unite their efforts in order to bring out a common initiative aimed to help students, fellow teachers and researchers to approach issues regarding migration in a more interdisciplinary manner. They realised that one of the most straight-forward ways to achieve this goal was through a Socrates /Erasmus Project (within the 'intensive programme' category) by applying for a grant to enable us to present our findings to an audience as wide and multinational as possible.
Source : Based on bitra