
Publication details [#13718]

Amit-Kochavi, Hannah. 2003. לעברית השוואת דרכי פעולתם של שני מתרגמים בתרגום מחזות מערבית מדוברת [A comparison between two translators’ respective practice in translating two plays written in Arabic dialect into Hebrew]]. In Ben-Shahar, Rina and Gideon Toury, eds. Hebrew, a living language: studies on the language in its social and cultural contexts 3. Tel Aviv: The Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics. pp. 247–262.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Target language


The article compares the dialogue language used in the respective Hebrew translations of two Arabic plays written in Palestinian vernacular. These translations, made by two different translators, Cohen and Shammas, are analyzed in terms of grammar, sociolinguistic usage, void pragmatic connectors, emotive expressions and poetic elements such as idioms, proverbs and songs. Both translations were found to use authentic Hebrew dialogue language. Cohen’s translation, however, was found to be more fluent than Shammas’, since the former attempted to find Hebrew equivalents to source texts elements using pragmatic translation, while Shammas used a higher register, sometimes inventing Hebrew words. Thus Cohen adhered to an up-to-date norm of Hebrew dialogue usage while Shammas stuck to an older one.
Source : Author(s)