Publication details [#13770]
Scheer, Monica. 2002. Mission Impossible 2000 Signatur 30 Sekunder. In various authors, ed. Il traduttore nuovo: atti del convegno multimedia 2000 [The new translator: proceedings of the conference on multimedia 2000]. Special issue of Il Traduttore Nuovo 57 (2): 29–36.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Drawing on her thirty years of experience translating for Swedish television, the writer analyses aspects of a profession in which the major vehicle of communication is visual. This would seem to produce a sense of self-mutilation in the translator, obliged to keep one (necessarily reductive) eye on word play and the other on the cultural referent, while avoiding any hint of linguistic calque.
Source : BITRA/A. Martínez-Gómez Gomez