Publication details [#13782]
Carabelli, Angela. 2002. IRIS: Interpreter's Resource Information System: una banca dati interattiva per la formazioni di interpreti e traduttori [IRIS: Interpreter's Resource Information System: an interactive database for the training of interpreters and translators]. In various authors, ed. Il traduttore nuovo: atti del convegno multimedia 2000 [The new translator: proceedings of the conference on multimedia 2000]. Special issue of Il Traduttore Nuovo 57 (2): 201–208.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
This project for a database of resources for interpreters and translators starts from an analysis of the software applications already available, which were developed, however for individual, non-interactive use. The experiments described here were performed by creating a digitalised database of audiotexts; the resulting system proved sufficiently stable and satisfying, and could profitably be experimented as part of a practical training programme.
Source : BITRA/A. Martínez-Gómez Gómez