Publication details [#13783]
Ciola, Bruno. 2002. Il tr@duttore del duemila: le nuove tecnologie nella traduzione assistita [Translators for the third millenium: new technology for CAT tools]. In various authors, ed. Il traduttore nuovo: atti del convegno multimedia 2000 [The new translator: proceedings of the conference on multimedia 2000]. Special issue of Il Traduttore Nuovo 57 (2): 125–136.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
So-called integrated CAT tools, common in technical and scientific translation, are a valuable aid for providing a common platform when working on texts in various formats and ensuring coherence for previously-translated lexis, thus reducing time spent on checking and updating texts, but can be a double-edged weapon when it comes to overall text visibility and comprehension.
Source : BITRA/A. Martínez-Gómez Gómez