
Publication details [#14006]

La Rocca, Marcella. 2007. El taller de traducción: una metodología didáctica integradora para la enseñanza universitaria de la traducción [The translation workshop: an integrated teaching methodology for translation teaching at university].
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Edition info
PhD, abstract available in journal. No page numbers available.
Journal WWW


In the field of university Translation Teaching there is a need for an innovative methodology, capable of putting the students at the centre of their own process of teaching and learning, integrating at the same time different translation theories. The investigation carried out consisted in the elaboration, application and observation of an innovative teaching methodology, with a socioconstructivist and humanistic basis and an integrative framework in translation and in the evaluation of its results. The teaching methodology was implemented through research and an action-research project in two different degree courses in the Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia of the University of Palermo, Italy. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected and then analysed with qualitative methods. The utility of the methodology was confirmed both for its effectiveness and impact on the process of acquisition of translation competence and on the improvement of the linguistic competence in L1 and L2 as well as on the acquisition of significant interpersonal competencies like the ability to negotiate, work in groups, defend their own translation options, etc., competencies which are essential for the students’ professional future. [Source: abstract in journal]
Source : Abstract in journal