
Publication details [#14045]

Loureiro Pernas, María. 2007. Paseo por la localización de un videojuego [The localisation of a video game from start to finish]. In Mangiron i Hevia, Carme, ed. Localització de videojocs [Localisation of videogames]. Special issue of Revista Tradumàtica. Revista de Traducció i Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació 5 URL
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Edition info
No page numbers available.


Localisation is an exciting field of work. More and more titles are being localised and the level of the demands of all those involved is also rising. Looking at the localisation of a video game from start to finish can offer interesting guidelines with a view to becoming more familiar with the specific traits of the activity.
Source : Abstract in journal