
Publication details [#14058]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Mark Twain's famous novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was translated into French by William-Little Hughes in 1886. An analysis of Twain's work based on Jim's dialect, Black English, shows that the author was subverting the traditional view of the slave as submissive or unintelligent. In this novel Twain condemns white society of his time and proclaims the humanity of black people. Hughes's translation project, however, denies the black character's humanity, reinforcing racial prejudices and white domination. Whether through his speech, his actions, or the narrator's description, Jim is portrayed in Hughes's translation as a submissive and foolish servant. The aesthetic similarity of choices is maintained on a transformational level: additions and omissions are made with he same goal in mind.
Source : Abstract in book