
Publication details [#14063]

Mathew, Saji. 2007. From regional into pan-Indian: towards a heterographic praxis for postcolonial translation. In St-Pierre, Paul and Prafulla C. Kar, eds. In translation: reflections, refractions, transformations (Benjamins Translation Library 71). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 175–186.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The discipline of Translation Studies in India is largely confined to and appropriated by Departments of English. Alongside this, a huge publishing industry has taken up the translation of regional language texts into English, raising the question of the viability of the translation's reaching an 'Indian audience'. The negotiating contours and the interferences of this paper are derived form the authors experience of translating the Malayalam novel Vyasanum Vighneswaranum (Vyasa and Vighneswara) by Anand, into English. The paper proposes a process of translaiton termed heterographic to achieve interlinguistic decentralisation in multilingual nations like India as well as to retrieve a more heterogeneous perception of Indian societies. Heterographic translation implies translation of the same text into a number of Indian languages simultaneously.
Source : Based on abstract in book