Publication details [#1411]
Snell-Hornby, Mary, Franz Pöchhacker and Klaus Kaindl, eds. 1994. Translation Studies: an interdiscipline (Benjamins Translation Library 2). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ix + 438 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Edition info
Selected papers from the Translation Studies Congress, Vienna, 1992.
US ISBN: 1-55619-478-1
A selection of 44 papers out of the 163 presented at the Translation Studies Congress, which was held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Institut für Dolmetscher und Übersetzer Ausbildung in Vienna, shows how Translation Studies is moving away from purely linguistic analysis into LSP, psychology, cognition, and cultural orientations. The volume is divided into sections reflecting the focal subject areas at the Congress: translation, history and culture; Interpreting theory and training; Terminology and special languages; Teaching and training in translation. Also included are papers from a special workshop including interdisciplinary research projects from Vienna. Of the articles, 25 are written in English, 16 in German, and 3 in French.
Source : Publisher information
Articles in this volume
Markstein, Elisabeth. Sprache als Realie: Intertextualität und Übersetzung. Am Beispiel totalitärer Sprachen [Language as realia: intertextuality and translation. Global languages]. 103–111
Strolz, Birgit. Simultankapazität und Übungseffekt [Capacity in simultaneous interpreting and the effect of practice]. 209–218
Arntz, Reiner. Interlingualer Fachsprachenvergleich und Übersetzen [The interlingual comparison of LSP and translation]. 235–246
Weissenhofer, Peter. Zur Rolle der terminologischen Begriffslehre in der Translationswissenschaft [On the role of terminology in Translation Studies]. 319–326
Petioky, Viktor. Zur Übertragung philosophischer Texte: am Beispiel von Übertragungen Deutsch-Russisch [Transferring philosophical texts: an example from German-Russian translation]. 327–336