Publication details [#14173]
Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer, eds. 2007. The metalanguage of translation. Special issue of Target 19 (2) vi + 215 pp.
Publication type
Special issue
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Amsterdam: John Benjamins
Journal DOI
The contributions in this special issue of Target address different aspects of metalanguage in Translation Studies. The problematic variations of usage and conceptualization in both theory and practice of translation constitute the central topic.
Source : A. Matthyssen
Articles in this volume
Hebenstreit, Gernot. Defining patterns in Translation Studies: revisiting two classics of German Translationswissenschaft. 197–215
Doorslaer, Luc van. Risking conceptual maps: mapping as a keywords-related tool underlying the online Translation Studies Bibliography. 217–231
Vaerenbergh, Leona Van. Polysemy and synonymy: their management in Translation Studies dictionaries and in translator training. A case study. 235–254
Marco, Josep Manuel. The terminology of translation: epistemological, conceptual and intercultural problems and their social consequences. 255–269
Laiho, Leena. A literary work: translation and original. A conceptual analysis within the philosophy of art and Translation Studies. 295–312