
Publication details [#1421]

Vermeer, Hans Josef. 1992. Skizzen zu einer Geschichte der Translation 1: Anfänge. Von Mesopotamien bis Griechenland; Rom und das frühe Christentum bis Hieronymus [Sketches of a translation story 1: start. From Mesopotamy to Greece; Rome and early Christianity to Saint Jerome] (Translatorisches Handeln Wissenschaft 6.1). Frankfurt am Main: Verlag für Interkulturelle Kommunikation. 373 pp.


After the introduction, the book embarks upon Mesopotamia and Egypt. Next, it looks into translation errors. Sophism and rhetoric is the next topic. Hieronymus, Cicero and Augustinus are also discussed. Early translations of Jewish and Christian ‘holy writings’ are investigated as well. These are among the topics discussed in this book.
Source : J. Vluijmans

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