
Publication details [#14277]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The purpose of this research was to compare the frequency and the uses of the clitic particle 'kin' in translated and original Finish in five genres: fiction, children's literature, popular fiction, scientific prose and popularized science. The material, representing fiction as well as factual prose and totalling 6.5 million words, was taken form the Corpus of Translated Finnish. The research strongly supports the hypothesis that the particle manifest lower frequencies and somewhat different uses in translated than original Finnish. Translated Finnish is more schematic, which shows, for example, in the abundance of clusters and a lower variance between texts and genres. In addition, translated Finnish seems to use 'kin' more frequently in a connective function. Thus in a sample of 2000 instances, the manifestations of 'kin' attached to the finite form of the verb were significantly more frequent in translated Finnish. The collocations in translated and original Finnish were also somewhat different, even though the most frequent collocates of 'kin' words were the same.
Source : Abstract in book