
Publication details [#14371]

García Benito, Ana Belén. 2007. ¿Es la fraseología un hueso duro de roer desde el punto de vista de la traducción? [Phraseology: a hard nut to crack from the point of view of translation?] In Baigorri-Jalón, Jesús and Ana González Salvador, eds. Entre lenguas: traducir e interpretar [In between languages: translating and interpreting] (Cuadernos de Yuste 4). Yuste: Fundación Academia Europea de Yuste. pp. 75–95.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


Although phraseological studies has reached its height after the 1990s, there are still certain topics around them that are interesting for this research, such as the halo of 'ineffable mystery' and therefore untranslatability of these phraseological units. In this article the author reflects on this topic, analysing the main difficulties of the translation of phraseology: some inherent to their own nature, others derived from their use in literary texts.
Source : Based on abstract in book