Publication details [#14373]
Valderrey Reñones, Christina. 2007. Traducir el Derecho: ¿una aventura al filo de lo imposible? [Translating the Law: an adventure bordering on the impossible?] In Baigorri-Jalón, Jesús and Ana González Salvador, eds. Entre lenguas: traducir e interpretar [In between languages: translating and interpreting] (Cuadernos de Yuste 4). Yuste: Fundación Academia Europea de Yuste. pp. 115–135.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
The great difficulty involved in translating legal texts correctly has given rise to a widely held belief that it is (almost) impossible to translate the law. There are, however, factors such as today's diversity of legal systems worldwide, the formation of multilingual supranational blocs and the existence of stats with several official languages which call for this type of translation to be of necessity undertaken daily in many parts of the world.
Source : Abstract in book