Publication details [#14374]
Quijada Díez, Carmen. 2007. Diagnóstico y terapia para un traductor médico [Diagnosis and treatment plan for a medical translator]. In Baigorri-Jalón, Jesús and Ana González Salvador, eds. Entre lenguas: traducir e interpretar [In between languages: translating and interpreting] (Cuadernos de Yuste 4). Yuste: Fundación Academia Europea de Yuste. pp. 139–158.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
In order to translate a medical text, do we need to be translators rather than doctors or should it be the other way round? The perfect answer would probably be a mixture of both. But perfect things are rare. However, we must take into account that medical translation is indeed a reality that requires exceptional, high-level education form the translator. Nowadays, medical translation is almost exclusively carried out by doctors, but the present trend in Translation Studies towards specialization allows us to think about it as a natural professional development for translators as such. What is it then that we must aim at to make this possibility come true? What does the translator or translator-to-be have on his or her side and what against him or her to be capable of performing a good medical translation.
Source : Based on abstract in book