
Publication details [#14375]

Pacheco Caballero, Maria Jesús. 2007. Procesos traductivos en la traducción científico-técnica: el léxico del corcho [Translation processes in scientific-technical translations: the lexicon of cork]. In Baigorri-Jalón, Jesús and Ana González Salvador, eds. Entre lenguas: traducir e interpretar [In between languages: translating and interpreting] (Cuadernos de Yuste 4). Yuste: Fundación Academia Europea de Yuste. pp. 159–170.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The purpose of this article is to analyse the translation processes undertaken to complete the project El Léxico del Corcho. Diccionario espaõl-francés / francés-español, and the difficulties encountered during its preparation. It also seeks to show how translation problems are a reflection of the singularities of each cultural system and how translation acts a cultural mediation between different identities.
Source : Based on abstract in book