Publication details [#14376]
Edwards Rokowski, Patricia and Guadalupe Acedo Domínguez. 2007. Traductores profesionales y nuevas tecnologías [Professional translators and new technologies]. In Baigorri-Jalón, Jesús and Ana González Salvador, eds. Entre lenguas: traducir e interpretar [In between languages: translating and interpreting] (Cuadernos de Yuste 4). Yuste: Fundación Academia Europea de Yuste. pp. 171–182.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
The article addresses the role of professional translators versus machine translation in today's modern information society. The authors first define what they understand as conventional translation as opposed to translation with the use of new technologies. Secondly they provide a brief historical overview on the subject, followed by what they consider the advantages and disadvantages of both types of translation method. Selective examples of noun strings, prepositional phrases and meaning are illustrated within the framework of a real online case study. The article closes with conclusions which highlight what the authors esteem to be a realistic state of the art controversy.
Source : Based on abstract in book