
Publication details [#14445]

Laygues, Arnaud. 2004. Le traducteur semeur d’éthique: pour une application de la pensée d’Emmanuel Lévinas à la traduction [The ethical translator: applying Levinas in Translation Studies]. In Fiola, Marco André, ed. Traduction, éthique et société [Translation, ethics and society]. Special issue of Traduction Terminologie Rédaction (TTR) 17 (2): 45–56.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Person as a subject


This article is an attempt to apply the notions of 'image' and 'face' (visage) as defined by Emmanuel Lévinas. These concepts allow us to approach literary translation not in terms of creating a resemblance to the source text but as showing the 'face' of the author re-presented through this text. This approach to the text modifies the status of the translator by integrating him into a human relationship in which he carries full responsibility. Finally, it is suggested that the translator promotes ethical demands. He becomes the guarantor of a translation whose essence is the relation to the foreign, but beyond this he is also promoting this ethical relation with his reader.
Source : Based on abstract in book