
Publication details [#14446]

Boulanger, Pier-Pascale. 2004. L’épistémologie cinétique de la traduction: catalyseur d’éthique [The kinetic epistemology of translation]. In Fiola, Marco André, ed. Traduction, éthique et société [Translation, ethics and society]. Special issue of Traduction Terminologie Rédaction (TTR) 17 (2): 57–66.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language


Through its practice as well as its theorization, translation generates knowledge and know-hows that are plural and scattered. As such, they frustrate the federation of translation theories into a monolithic domain, hence foiling the domination of any one metatheory. Because of their dispersion, heterogeneous theories of translation seem to follow a migratory movement, pointing to a kinetic epistemology. The act of admitting where one stands, one's position be it in polysystems theory, sociology, feminism, postcolonialism, hermeneutics or poetics - is the foundation of an ethical behavior.
Source : Abstract in journal