
Publication details [#14458]

Marcoux, Danièle. 2005. José Lezama Lima: un hamac entre le péremptoire et l’accidentel [José Lezama Lima: a hammock between the peremptory and the accidental]. In Foz, Clara and Francisco Lafarga, eds. Traductions et représentations: parcours dans l'espace hispanique II [Translations and representations: exploring the Hispanic world II]. Special issue of Traduction Terminologie Rédaction (TTR) 18 (1) : 195–198: 79–90.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Person as a subject


Lezama Lima's assertion of poetic reason shed light on the translation strategy which underlies the emergence of varying knowledge structures. Poetic reason, as opposed to mimetic logic of representation, aims to reestablish a non-antagonistic and non-hierarchical vision of the components of metaphors. Hispanic America appears as a place entirely modelled on the most unexpected of associations, as found in the original connections between the domestic and the foreign. From the analogy between poetic reason and translation strategy, a major epistemological consequence emerges, as stated by Henri Meschonnic we must translate to understand, and not understand to translate.
Source : Abstract in journal