
Publication details [#14459]

Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Person as a subject


The socio-cultural context following the Quiet Revolution has created a favorable moment for the implementation of feminist writing and translation practices, termed 're-belles et infidèles' by Susanne De Lotbinière Harwood. The purpose of this article is to examine the effect of the reinsertion of these transgressive practices in a new context, namely, post-Franco Spain. With this in mind, Barroco al alba (1998) is analysed, the Spanish translation of Nicole Brossard's novel Baroque d'aube (1995), the only one by this author that has been translated in Spain. It is shown that 're-belles et infidèles' practices are possible because there already exists a corpus of feminist writing and thus a favorable context for the implementation of these transgressive practices. Nevertheless, the Spanish context of the 90's not being receptive to these feminist practices, Barroco al alba has gone unnoticed in Spain, not only in the subfield of 'large-scale cultural production' (Bourdieu, 1992), but also in the 'restricted production subfield'.
Source : Based on abstract in journal