
Publication details [#14463]

N'Zafio, Massiva. 2005. De la genèse du texte typé: pour une autre approche de la question de typologie des textes spécialisés [The genesis of text typology: for another approach to the topics of specialized text typology]. In Foz, Clara and Francisco Lafarga, eds. Traductions et représentations: parcours dans l'espace hispanique II [Translations and representations: exploring the Hispanic world II]. Special issue of Traduction Terminologie Rédaction (TTR) 18 (1) : 195–198: 203–219.


Text typology no longer seems to generate much interest in research in text linguistics. This article seeks to spark new interest in this area by looking at the problem through a different prism. Based on concepts such as episteme form general philosophy (Foucault), discourse formation from philosophy of linguistics (Foucault) and interdiscourse,, intertext and surface text form linguistics (Courtine), the author attempts to demonstrate that he lack of interest in this topic is linked to the level of analysis rather than to the topic itself.
Source : Abstract in journal