Publication details [#14471]
Berman, Antoine. 2004. La prueba de lo ajeno: cultura y traducción en la alemania romántica [The test of the stranger: culture and translation in Germany during Romanticism]. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Servicio de Publicaciones y Producción Documental. 340 pp.
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Edition info
Translated into Spanish by Rosario García López.
What is translation? Which place does translation occupy in a culture? What does this operation of translation of one language into another consist of; what is initially ‘test from the stranger’? Berman tackles his problems by studying an era and a culture in which these issues were posed with strength and passion, and in which they constituted the subject of debates and controversy: Romantic Germany. From Herder to Hölderlin over Novalis, Goethe, Humboldt and the Schlegel brothers, the act of translation indeed occupies a central place in the German cultural and literary field. Translation, in the history of the Occident, had never been meditated in such a rich and lively way. And, beyond the specific problem of the translation, it is a whole series of fundamental questions which emerge, questions that revive our modernity.
Source : Based on publisher information
Reviewed by
Echeverri, Álvaro. 2006. Review of La prueba de lo ajeno: cultura y traducción en la alemania romántica. In Lane-Mercier, Gillian, ed. Figures du traducteur/Figures du traduire I / Figures of translators/Figures of translation I. Special issue of Traduction Terminologie Rédaction (TTR) 19 (1): 209–220.
Zaslavsky, Danielle. 2005. Review of La prueba de lo ajeno: cultura y traducción en la alemania romántica. In Foz, Clara and Francisco Lafarga, eds. Traductions et représentations: parcours dans l'espace hispanique II [Translations and representations: exploring the Hispanic world II]. Special issue of Traduction Terminologie Rédaction (TTR) 18 (1) : 195–198: 264–266.