
Publication details [#14475]

Pfeiffer, Erna. 2004. Dreiecks- und sonstige Verhältnisse im Beziehungskrimi zwischen Lektorat, Agentur und ÜbersetzerInnen [Triangular and other relationships between proof readers, agents and translators]. In Wolf, Michaela and Norbert Bachleitner, eds. Soziologie der literarischen Übersetzung [Sociology of literary translation]. Special issue of IASL. Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur 29 (2): 52–71.


This contribution is divided into two parts: the first part comprises a meta-study, which attempts to read between the lines of recently written secondary literature on the role of proof readers, literary agents and translators in the production of literature and tries to focus on gender specific clichés; the second part should shed light on their self-image relating to their cooperation with translators. The evaluation of a questionnaire sent out to several proof readers and literary agents in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in 2004 illustrates that changes are under way in the literary field, which will require a 're-negotiation' among the agents involved in the translation process in future.
Source : Abstract in journal