
Publication details [#14698]

Burbat, Ruth and Julia Möller Runge. 2007. Das Lehren und Lernen einer zweiten und/oder weiteren Fremdsprache in der Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherausbildung [Teaching and learning a second and/or additional foreign language in translator and interpreter training]. Babel 53 (4) : 303–320.


In the teaching of a second/third foreign language for translators and interpreters it is important to consider the receptor group with their special needs and purposes form the beginning. Therefore the classes should work with themes related to the translators profession and face up to the academic reality: usually in Spain at university only a few hours of classes are offered and students begin their studies without any knowledge in the foreign language. The authors present the basic characteristics of a new teaching concept (Collage) as well as how it reflects on a specific method for teaching German considering the receptor group of translators and interpreters and pretending to cover its particular needs. As a consequence this method devised for students who begin to learn a second/third or other foreign language combines innovative aspects like: authentic and complete texts which include from the beginning the whole range of linguistic material in the foreign language, consideration of different types of texts as well as themes; promotion of the textual competence and of systematic procedures and working forms with the texts as impulse, starting point and mainstay in order to advance in foreign language learning; the students themselves decide the grammatical progress; changed functions with reference to the role of the different skills in the language learning process: promotion of consulting and researching in encyclopaedias, dictionaries, of an intercultural competence regarding the different communicative functions of the foreign language as well as the mother tongue; promotion of student's autonomy. In order to complete the presentation, the authors include an example for German an also comment the results obtained working with this method at the University of Granada.
Source : Unknown