Publication details [#14800]
Leonardi, Vanessa. 2007. Gender and ideology in translation: do women and men translate differently? A contrastive analysis from Italian into English (Europäische Hochschulschriften: Linguistik 301). Bern: Peter Lang. 323 pp.
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The aim of this book is to analyse and evaluate the problems that may arise from ideology-driven shifts in the translation process as a result of gender differences. The issue of ideology is linked to that of language and power and this link legitimates a linguistic analysis. Recent research in the field of sociolinguistics and related fields has shown that women and men speak differently. The hypothesis in this book is that if they speak differently, then they are also likely to translate differently and possibly for the same ideological reasons. The book is divided into two parts. Part I offers a theoretical background, draws up an analytic checklist of linguistic tools to be employed in the comparative analyses, and states the main hypothesis of this investigation. In Part II four empirical analyses are carried out in order to test this hypothesis within the methodological framework set out in Part I. This book seeks to show how the contrastive analysis of translations from Italian into English is carried out within the framework of the discipline of translation and comparative studies.
Source : Publisher information
Reviewed by
Shread, Carolyn. 2009. Review of Gender and ideology in translation: do women and men translate differently? A contrastive analysis from Italian into English. In Merkle, Denise, ed. Littérature comparée et traductologie littéraire: convergences et divergences [Comparative literature and literary Translation Studies: points of convergence and divergence]. Special issue of Traduction Terminologie Rédaction (TTR) 22 (2): 253–255.