
Publication details [#1491]

Ballard, Michel and Lieven D'hulst. 1996. La traduction en France à l'âge classique [Translating in classical France]. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion. 325 pp.
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Edition info
Selected papers of a congress held at the University of Lille III, France.


This edited volume is divided into three main sections. The first section contains theoretical reflections on translation in classical France. Issues discussed under this heading include ‘belles infidèles’, the problem of the equivalence of languages in the 17th and 18th centuries. The second section concentrates on modalities and situations of translation. Topics discussed under this section include the Quinte Curce by Vargelas and the first French translation of the Haggada. The third and last section investigates translations and literatures. Here, Scarron’s Nouvelles Tragi-Comiques and semantic shifts in the translations of Anne de la Roche-Guilhem are investigated.
Source : J. Vluijmans

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