Publication details [#15106]
Owczarzak, Karolina, Jozef van Genabith and Andy Way. 2007. Evaluating machine translation with LFG dependencies. Machine Translation 21 (2) : 95–119.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
This paper shows how labelled dependencies produced by a Lexical-Functional Grammar parser can be used in Machine Translation evaluation. In contrast to most popular evaluation metrics based on surface string comparison, this dependency-based method does not unfairly penalize perfectly valid syntactic variations in the translation, shows less bias towards statistical models, and the addition of WordNet provides a way to accommodate lexical differences. In comparison with other metrics on a Chinese–English newswire text, this method obtains high correlation with human scores, both on a segment and system level.
Source : Based on abstract in journal