
Publication details [#15249]

Angelelli, Claudia V. 2008. The role of the interpreter in the healthcare setting: a plea for a dialogue between research and practice. In Valero-Garcés, Carmen and Anne Martín, eds. Crossing borders in community interpreting: definitions and dilemmas (Benjamins Translation Library 76). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 147–163.


Healthcare interpreting has been the focus of various studies which have shed light on the complex role of the healthcare interpreter. Interestingly, the results of empirical research have barely begun to permeate the practice of the profession. A look at the codes of ethics or standards of practice of healthcare interpreting associations, as well as the professional development opportunities offered by community agencies reveals little dialogue between practice and theory. This article explores possible causes for this disconnect and suggests a deeper dialogue among stakeholders as a plausible solution. This dialogue needs to integrate researchers from the different fields that contribute to our interdisciplinary field of study, as well as professional associations and practitioners equally. This article discusses the responsibilities of each of these parties in this much needed conversation.
Source : Abstract in book