
Publication details [#1532]

Holzer, Peter and Cornelia Feyrer, eds. 1998. Text, Sprache, Kultur [Text, language, culture]. Bern: Peter Lang. 332 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Edition info
Festschrift zum 50jährigen Bestehen des Instituts für Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherausbildung der Universität Innsbruck.


This publication on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Institut für Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherausbildung highlights the interdisciplinary character of Translation Studies as an independent discipline. The contributions in this edited volume concentrate in various ways on the problematic of translation and interpreting, intercultural communication and specialized communication, language didactics as well as realia in culture and language. Not only theoretical, but also practical issues are outlined and new hypotheses and approaches are looked into.
Source : Based on publisher information

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