
Publication details [#15933]

Ruiz Rosendo, Lucía. 2005. La práctica profesional de la interpretación en el campo de la medicina: estudio exploratorio de la percepción de los intérpretes [The professional practice of interpreting in the medical field: a preliminary study of the perception of interpreters]. Puentes 5 : 69–83. URL


International medical meetings are one of the multilingual events most frequently held in Spain, and their organisers commonly employ interpreting services. In this sense, medicine constitutes an interesting field for conference interpreters in the new century, particularly those whose language combination is English-Spanish. As a matter of fact, nowadays English is undoubtedly the language par excellence of medical science. However, little research work on interpreting in medical conferences has been done and there are hardly any experimental or empirical studies in this field. As part of a more ample study, we have carried out an exploratory study to discover the opinions and perceptions of conference interpreters in the field of international medical meetings in Spain. [Source: abstract in journal]
Source : Abstract in journal