
Publication details [#15982]

Le Moël, Sylvie. 2004. La traduction du livret d'Iphigénie en Tauride par Alxinger (1781): un échec programmé? [The translation of the libretto of Iphigénie en Tauride by Alxinger (1781): a programmed failure?] In Marshall, Gottfried R. La traduction des livrets: aspects théoriques, historiques et pragmatiques [Translating librettos: theoretical, historical and pragmatic aspects]. Paris: PUPS. pp. 215–228.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Title as subject


The libretto of Gluck's Iphigénie en Tauride has often been adapted in German: the first adaptation written by Alxinger in collaboration with Gluck rapidly fell into oblivion despite its initial success. The writing of the libretto must be seen within the context of Vienna's cultural patriotism represented by scholars wishing to improve on Berlin, thus creating a national theatre. Alxinger's literary and rhetorical text, though, did not succeed in establishing itself because Gluck's popularity had no musical support in Vienna. Sander's version borrowed a great many features from Alxinger. Its immediate success can be explained within a framework of Berlin's wish to promote a national theatre, at the time still depending on the adaptation of imported models.
Source : Bitra