
Publication details [#15997]

Montemagno, Giuseppe. 2004. Á propos des traductions de La fille du régiment de Gaetano Donizetti [On the translations of Gaetano Donizetti's La Fille du Régiment]. In Marshall, Gottfried R. La traduction des livrets: aspects théoriques, historiques et pragmatiques [Translating librettos: theoretical, historical and pragmatic aspects]. Paris: PUPS. pp. 325–343.
Publication type
Chapter in book
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Target language
Person as a subject
Title as subject


Donizetti's La Fille du régiment in its two Italian translations is studied. Calisto Bassi was the first translator who tried to adapt the text with many modifications in order to transfer the French genre opera comique to the Italian genre opera comica. The second translation is closer to the French text. The author analyses the issues present when translating from one genre to another.
Source : BITRA/P. Orero Clavero