
Publication details [#15998]

Pistone, Danièle. 2004. Traduction des livrets d'opera en France: les leçons du passé [The translation of opera librettos in France: lessons from the past]. In Marshall, Gottfried R. La traduction des livrets: aspects théoriques, historiques et pragmatiques [Translating librettos: theoretical, historical and pragmatic aspects]. Paris: PUPS. pp. 133–142.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language


The article lists French translations staged in Paris in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. From the different versions and the literature of their reception the article defines the typology of the new versions in order to determine the choices made in the process of translation. It describes the analysis of the language used in the translation which is still used today, and some instances appeared on the surtitles.
Source : BITRA/P; Orero Clavero