
Publication details [#16002]

Schneider, Herbert. 2004. Die Übersetzung von Grétry-Opern durch Johann Heinrich Faber für Marchands Churpfälzische deutsche Schaubühne [The translation of Grétry operas by Johann Heinrich Faber for Marchand's Churpfalz theatre]. In Marshall, Gottfried R. La traduction des livrets: aspects théoriques, historiques et pragmatiques [Translating librettos: theoretical, historical and pragmatic aspects]. Paris: PUPS. pp. 143–199.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Source language
Target language
Person as a subject


During the time after the Seven Years War, musical theatre in the form of Singspiel received an impetus hitherto unknown. To satisfy the need for new pieces many opéra-comique and opéra-bouffes were translated into German. J. André was the most active publisher who printed six volumes containing theirty-six opéra-comiques from the French repertory actually performed in Paris. For each of the eight works by Gréty translated by Johann Heinrich Faber for the 'Churpfälzische Deutsche Hofschauspielergesellschaft' of the Alsatian Theobald Marchand, André also printed some arias with German text. The translations of the dialogues are of very high quality and those of the sung pieces are for the most part appropriate and suitable for singing. The translations of Lucile, Les deux avares and Zémire et Azor in which Faber always follows the version in the printed scores, are discussed in detail, especially their form and prosody, their semantics and content, their phonetics as well as the ideological problems arising as a result of the cultural differences between France and Germany. The arias in facsimile with their German words and both the original and German verses are reproduced in the appendix.
Source : Bitra