
Publication details [#16033]

Campos Pardillos, Miguel Ángel. 2007. Documentación y traducción en el sector inmobiliario [Documentation and translation in the real estate sector]. In Fuertes Olivera, Pedro A., ed. Problemas lingüísticos en la traducción especializada [Linguistic problems in specialised translation]. Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid. pp. 49–66.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The author comments on some of the problems and solutions in real estate translation, a sort of hybrid between business, legal and advertising genres. According to Campos Pardillos, the recent advances in applied translation allow us to face the challenges in this sort of translation tasks, which, on the one hand, derive from the hybrid nature of the genre itself, and, on the other, are related to a very specific business sector, a booming activity conditioned by many cultural factors. This is the reason why the author believes that previous documentation research plays a major role in these projects, such research being greatly dependent on the text or genre. In this respect, he emphasizes the importance of a sound background for translators in this area, since in many situations (e.g. liaison interpreting or sight translation) it may not be possible to resort to any documentation. In some cases, the macro-structural stability of legal genres is a bonus; in others, where a great cultural distance may seem unsurmountable, the author describes a number of hybrid solutions, such as the apparently unacceptable in English Aurbanization@ to describe the Spanish 'urbanizaciones.' The chapter offers a final reminder of the importance of the World Wide Web as an endless source of reference material.
Source : Bitra