Publication details [#1627]
Cabré Castellví, María Teresa. 1999. Terminology: theory, methods and applications (Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice 1). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. xii + 247 pp.
Publication type
Publication language
cognitive science=cognitive approach=mental process=mind | computer=computer science=IT=ICT | context=socio-political context | dictionary | documentation | language for special purposes=LSP | linguistic approach=linguistics | methodology=research method | sociological approach=sociology | standardisation=standardization | terminology
Edition info
US ISBN: 1-55619-787-X
Translated by Janet Ann De Cesaris.
Terminology: theory, methods and applications is addressed to language specialists, terminologists, and all those who take an interest in socio-political and technical aspects of terminology. The book covers its subject comprehensively and deals among other things with concepts such as the relation between linguistics, cognitive science, communication studies, documentation and computer science; methodology, especially with regard to specialised language and dictionaries; the social-political challenges of the modern technological society and some solutions from a terminological point of view; terminology as a standard in multilingual communication and guardian of cultures.
Source : Publisher information