
Publication details [#16614]

Castro Ramírez, Nayelli. 2008. Traducir la filosofía más allá de la filosofía: firmas, acontecimientos, contextos [Translating philosophy beyond philosophy: signatures, events, contexts]. In Pulido Correa, Martha Lucía, ed. América Latina e investigación traductológica [Latin America and Translation Studies]. Special issue of Mutatis Mutandis. Revista latinoamericana de Traducción 1 (2): 180–195. URL
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Source language
Target language
Person as a subject


This article discusses the Spanish translation of Derrida’s conference: Signature événement contexte. The analysis aims at taking some distance from the hermeneutic tradition considered as the interpretation and the construction of sense, to adopt the poetics perspective of translation. In the first part, the author considers the place of philosophical texts within the horizon of Translation Studies. In the second, the author analyzes the Spanish translation of Derrida’s conference. To conclude, the author points out the difficulties for classifying philosophical texts, especially those by Derrida, and it is argued that it is necessary to translate philosophy beyond the conceptual sense of its texts. Translating philosophy implies deferring it, building it, making it.
Source : Based on abstract in journal