Publication details [#16617]
Zaslavsky, Danielle. 2008. Unas palabras para mujeres: la traducción de la publicidad femenina en la prensa mexicana [Words for women: the translation of publicity for women in the Mexican press]. In Pulido Correa, Martha Lucía, ed. América Latina e investigación traductológica [Latin America and Translation Studies]. Special issue of Mutatis Mutandis. Revista latinoamericana de Traducción 1 (2): 225–245. URL
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
This article deals with the translation of advertising discourse from a descriptive translation perspective and from a discursive approach. Based on a comparative corpus composed by beauty products advertisements and their translations into Spanish, produced in Mexico and Spain, the author intends to show how patterns of occidental beauty are imposed, an imposition effectuated not only by means of argumentative strategies deployed in both languages so the product advertised sells, but also by an strategic penetration of French and English (sources of the advertisement) into the target language and culture.
Source : Based on abstract in journal