Publication details [#16620]
Montoya Arango, Paula Andrea. 2008. Rafael Pombo: la traduction et les échanges interculturels au XIXe siècle en Colombie [Rafael Pombo: translation and intercultural exchange in Colomba in the 19th century]. In Pulido Correa, Martha Lucía, ed. América Latina e investigación traductológica [Latin America and Translation Studies]. Special issue of Mutatis Mutandis. Revista latinoamericana de Traducción 1 (2): 285–304. URL
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Rafael Pombo (1833-1912), poet and translator, is an interesting example to present the intellectual exchanges carried out during the XIXth century in Colombia. It is a time characterized by the constitution of Nation-States, by a search for models to imitate in every domain, by an 'intercultural' atmosphere proper to establish relationships. During his staying in New York, for seventeen years, Pombo developed different activities and got in touch with American poets, among them William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878) y Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882). These relationships became an important fact to get to know a bit more about the history of translation in Colombia and about the cultural history of the country.
Source : Based on abstract in journal