
Publication details [#16633]

Starzinger, Jakob. 2006. 'Felsenwand' vs. 'Blumental': Fremdwahrnehmung und Selbststilisierung in J.G. Seumes Mein Sommer 1805 ['Felsenwand' vs. 'Blumental': observation of the foreign and self-stylization in J.G. Seume's Mein Sommer 1805]. In Zahrt, Jennifer, ed. Translation and mobility. Special issue of Transit 2 (1) URL
Publication type
Article in Special issue
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The article places Johann Gottfried Seume’s travel report Mein Sommer 1805 in the context of travel literature in the Late Enlightenment. It is shown that Seume, with the cultural baggage of his time, tried to translate the foreign into something known, thus trying to control it. The literary representation of his travel experiences serves the self-assertion and the contrastive design of a cultural German identity.
Source : A. Matthyssen