
Publication details [#16692]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The current development of audiovisual translation (AVT) is fragmented. However, several challenges must be taken up if we want to better understand the impact and consequences of AVT on our daily habits. Therefore, this paper raises four main issues: the need to revise and rethink certain concepts in Translation Studies, because of digitisation; the urgent need to carry out reception studies in order to provide AV programmes accessible to all; the need to highlight the sociocultural relevance of applied research, in such a way that the field is not any longer considered as a constellation of problems but a valuable asset addressing the demand for multilingual and multicultural communication; and finally, the need to find out a methodology able to deal with multimodality – otherwise the major risk is to focus on language, precluding from comprehending these challenges. [Source: abstract in book]
Source : Abstract in book