
Publication details [#16798]

Wu, Hua and Haifeng Wang. 2005. Boosting statistical word alignment. In Isahara, Hitoshi, ed. The tenth Machine Translation summit. 8 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


This paper proposes an approach to improve statistical word alignment with the boosting method. Applying boosting to word alignment must solve two problems. The first is how to build the reference set for the training data. The authors propose an approach to automatically build a pseudo reference set, which can avoid manual annotation of the training set. The second is how to calculate the error rate of each individual word aligner. This is solved by calculating the error rate of a manually annotated held-out data set instead of the entire training set. In addition, the final ensemble takes into account the weights of the alignment links produced by the individual word aligners. Experimental results indicate that the boosting method proposed in this paper performs much better than the original word aligner, achieving a large error rate reduction.
Source : Based on abstract in book