Publication details [#16805]
Naskar, Sudip Kumar and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay. 2005. A phrasal EBMT system for translating English to Bengali. In Isahara, Hitoshi, ed. The tenth Machine Translation summit. 8 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language
The present work describes a Phrasal Example Based Machine Translation system from English to Bengali that identifies the phrases in the input through a shallow analysis, retrieves the target phrases using a Phrasal Example base and finally combines the target language phrases employing some heuristics based on the phrase ordering rules for Bengali. The paper focuses on the structure of the noun, verb and prepositional phrases in English and how these phrases are realized in Bengali. This study has an effect on the design of the phrasal Example Base and recombination rules for the target language phrases.
Source : Abstract in book